Monday, July 19, 2010

When Life gives you Lemons, make lemonade!

Why the title? You may wonder. It came into my mind a minute ago how close this saying is to my real life situation, literally. Well, not exactly, it has got nothing to do with lemons but has something to do with bananas! Are you curious? Ok lah, here is the story.

It was a Sunday morning and both my hubby and I were busy doing some household chores. I was in the kitchen cooking breakfast and my hubby was upstairs doing whatever. The kids were all watching TV in the living room. Or so we thought! I walked into the hallway leading to the dining place and guess what I saw!! A bunch of half mutilated and half peeled bananas (the expensive ones, mind you, the 'Montels') on the floor!! Immediately I knew who was the culprit. So I talked to the culprit and she said it wasn't her, it was her kor kor. Imagine a 2.5 year old girl already know how to push the blame! My kids cannot escape their mother's sharp sense that is beyond all the 6 senses! So I told my hubby, the culprit is the 2.5 year old girl.

But she wasn't totally to be blamed. The reason she did so was she saw her kor kor took a banana (without asking mummy first!) from where we hung them (to rippen further). My daughter is a perfectionist, she doesn't like her banana mushy or ugly. So she kept pulling them down one after another and none of them was to her liking. So she left them on the floor and went back to her TV. The kor kor also got a few words from me but since I was in a happy morning mood, I let them off. We took the mutilated bananas, peeled them and cut off whatever that was too mushy and kept the remaining in the fridge under cling wrap. What should we do with them? Immediately my baking instinct came flashing! Aha! Banana cake! So that was my Sunday evening project, when we came back from our shopping trip in the evening, I spent 30 minutes making the cake dough and another hour or so baking it. This morning, I had 3 slices for breakfast, it was yummy! Juicy (cause I used lotsa bananas) and fragrant! I gave more than half to my mother-in-law where my kids will sure be having them for breakfast or tea later and kept a few pieces for my hubby to try.

the cake dough...

...the finished goods.

So when life gives your mashed up bananas, you make banana cake!

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