Anyways, Cotton is eating well and she is getting used to living with us, she barks less now. Her little pink nose is turning black as her previous owner told me it was supposed to. She is still chewing and playing with shoes and anything she can find. She even nibbles my feet! The worst is she chews and steps on my plants too! We bought some fence from the hardware shop and had our little garden fenced up. It was really effective. But I was really upset because she killed half my potted ornamental palm, even after we tried to put the pot higher. I hope she will grow out of this chewing habit. We already brought her to the vet and got her 1st shot. She was given deworm medication and she really passed out long worms in her faeces after that, was a pretty scary sight. I didn't expect that, she is just less than 2 months old. We will need to send her to the vet again for further deworming. We do not understand where she could have contracted the worms from but I read that it is pretty common, so I hope a few rounds of deworming and regular follow ups will get rid of the problem. I look forward for her to be bigger so I can bring her for walks outside, she is still quite afraid to go out of the house for now.