Thursday, December 8, 2011

Someone Like You...

The boys are away from home this week and seem to be having a great time with their grandparents in BP. I was wondering why my house is so quiet lately, then I realise, I miss the boys :(. We wanted to go fetch them home this weekend, but the boys wanted to stay longer, so we will let them stay on another week.

Their sister is quite lonely without her brothers messing with her but she is ok. I try to make it up to her by bringing her to breakfast in the mornings before sending her to her por por house. Also, this weekend, she'll have mom and dad to herself and so I plan to bring her to PJ to do some shopping or something interesting. I need to get Christmas presents for the kids, put up the Christmas tree, clean the house a bit, etc.. I also have to go to the gynae to check the baby. Luckily I have Monday off so a little more time to relax.

I am, at the moment, trying to compile some mp3s for my new car's player. I couldn't find a easy site to dowload whole albums in mp3. I used to do so through peer-to-peer downloads but had stopped doing so for a long time. Now, I have to do it the hardway, finding music videos from youtube and then download mp4 and converting them to mp3 :(.

My current favourite song is from Adele - Someone Like You. Dedicated to you out there if you have lost someone who loved before...

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