Sunday, December 11, 2011

Feed me for a day...

I have recently not commented much about the politics of the country. Maybe because I did not find anything interesting enough to mention in my blog or maybe I am preoccupied with other things in my life. But I am aware and still read news online regularly. Today, I was browsing the Star's online portal and I read this article about action to be taken on those who cheat the government to get the RM500 aid per household. The article is here:

I am not surprise about the warning by the government to take action against cheaters because, there are bound to be people who will take advantage of any situation when they can. What I am taken by surprise is the Second Finance Minister, Ahmad Husni's quote: "...there were 6.3 million households in Malaysia, and the 5.2 million eligible account for 83%"

83% of households in Malaysia are actually earning below RM3K per month! So the government will be paying this one off Bantuan Rakyat 1Malayisa (BR1M) amounting to RM2.6 Billion! Also not forgetting the RM100 per school going child which had been given recently too, so the government must have paid a few billion just like that. Why? Because the election is here soon?

I am not saying giving money back to the people is not good but I really wonder how a one-time cash payout will actually help in increasing the household incomes of those affected. Instead of spending that kind of money, isn't it better to help those who really need help by providing them with a permanent jobs or skill of something? RM500 will probably help them that month but what about the rest of their lives? Reminds me of the proverb: Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Also remember Badawi's time when all car owners got the RM600 plus rebate for one year because of the fuel subsidy cut? How the heck did that help? For those who use their car a lot, it's fuel money for a month maybe but for those who don't use the car much, it was like fuel for a year! And some people actually have more than one car, so their get the rebate a few times that year. How fair was that?

Coming back to the current  BR1M scheme, I am quite unsure of the process and what constitute a household? Does it mean all those living in the same house are automatically considered one household? What if you rent a room or 2 families living in one house? If you are married or single, does that make any difference? Retirees, like my in-laws and my parents, do they count?

I am sure I am not the only thinking citizen to feel this way.The scheme is flawed, the process is unclear and most importantly it doesn't help people in the long run. I am surprised that the chosen government of the day have no better ideas to improve livelihood of the people instead of giving out one time goodies right before election times. Time to get some smarter people to the lead the country.

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