Monday, March 7, 2011

Bye-bye Facebook and Hello Lent


Lent season is just a day away as tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. This year, I will try to do more abstinence apart from fasting and abstinence from meat. I was thinking to myself, what is the thing that I am spending a lot of time on daily. And then it became very obvious, Facebook! It is official, I am going to abstain from Facebook for the whole 40 days of Lent, excluding Sundays. So my Facebook buddies, you will see very little of me for the next 46 or so days. It is definitely not going to be easy but I am fairly confident I am able to do it. So Bye-bye Facebook and Hello Lent! 

Lent is a period for quiet reflection and contemplation. And qouting from a nice Catholic blog, "Lenten resolutions are something different though: it’s to humble yourself for God. Lent’s resolutions should be designed to make you holier; they should be about doing something for no purpose other than to improve your relationship with God."

For the time I would be spending facebooking, I will spend reading the Bible, praying alone and praying together as a family and thanking God for all the blessings. I can also throw in things like cleaning the house, guiding my kids in their school work, spending quality time with the hubby and kids, continue on my project runways, etc.. Oh boy, there's lots of things that I should be doing! But most importantly, spend time reflecting on my principles and direction in life and how to grow in my faith. I know these are big words and big stuff but I am always aware that I need to do such reflections from time to time. How successful you are in life is not measured by the amount of money you make or spend, how many degrees you've gotten and how many 'friends' you have. More importantly, how people see you as and how you treat the people around you and strangers in need. Respect each other, respect mother nature and do not judge or discriminate people on any basis. If you have all that, you have grasped the real meaning of life, regardless of religion. I am trying to on somedays, and forgets on other days. So I need Almighty God's guidance, all the time...

God bless you all and I hope you will have a fruitful Lent.


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