Well, last night, I was sleeping late again. The TV was on in the room and I was checking the
latest house prices on my iPhone. I watched Julie (I like her, she's funny and pretty, see pix) and Zher on 8TV Quickie and they were introducing this 20 something pretty lass who is a fulltime blogger (her blog). I am still quite puzzled. I always thought blogging was just for fun. I still cannot imagine making it as a living but apparently some people do. In fact, many people do, nowadays. I know it's from the advertisements posted on their blogs but I just cannot register that in mind. To me, when I go to any blogs, the advertisements are just automatically ignored in my trained mind. I guess I have trained my mind well, :P.

So, back to blogging. I always take it as a personal journal thing. Never really thought anyone would read it or pay much attention to it. So I rattle on about stuff that sometimes makes little sense to others or just plain boring. But who cares, it's my blog and I can do what I want! That's the power of Internet, it empowers anyone and everyone to have their own space in the cyber world. I admit, it feels great to see something I wrote comes published on the web, even if no one else cares. Plus I have promised myself that I will continue to blog, just to know I have the will power to sustain soemthing when I put my mind to it. 

Let's go back to late nights. I have had more time to laze around, reading online news and blogs, look up stuff on the internet. It has been great. I think I will make this a habit. After all, I read that adults do not need that much sleep in a day, 6 hours will do and I am getting about 7.
This weekend is my little girl's 3rd birthday. Time flies, she is now (reluctantly) going to kindy and is whiny and bad tempered (nothing like me :P). But she is my darling, I am guilty of spoiling her. But nowadays, I just ignore her when she shows her temper, maybe she will learn that she doesn't get what she wants by crying and stomping her feet. But for her birthday, we will spoil her once more. I think I will bring her to Toys r Us to pick up whatever she wants. We will not be doing a big celebration, just small meal with families. Happy Birthday to my girl, mummy, papa and your kor kors love you lots. That's her in her pretty CNY gear, ain't she a doll!