Monday, December 17, 2012

2013 Round the Corner

The end of the year is less than 2 weeks away and Christmas is in a week! Oh, not forgetting, end of the world is in 3 days. So what have you guys done in preparation for D Day? I have not done anything for end of the world, just thought I should packed up some drinking water and non perishable food. What the heck, we will consume those stuff eventually anyway so why not...

This year was hard for us. We went through a whole lot of emotional upheaval, stress and difficulties. When things were hard, we have family and friends that cared which made things a lot easier. Thank GOD that we came out of these difficult times stronger and more faithful. Most of all, Thank GOD for giving us the beautiful gift which will remain in our hearts until the day we leave this world (and beyond).

Coming back to the year end celebrations. Christmas is so close, the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. So what have you done in preparation for that? Hmmm, for us, we had caroling a few days ago. Singing house to house for our church members staying here. The house is decorated, most of the presents are prepared. I think we spent quite a lot of money already shopping :(. Spiritually, what have we done? We have gone for confession and are paying more attention during mass. Frankly, I think we need to do more, for the church and for charity. Lord, please steer us to the right direction, to do more of Your works. I am ready, to serve more. It doesn't mean only for Christmas but all year long. Lord, guide me.

So for all those reading this, have a Blessed Christmas and a very Happy New Year. God bless you.

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