Friday, July 13, 2012

Busy me...

Phew! Finally it's the weekend. It's been one crazy, hectic week. Managing the kids in the morning, alone, is really hard, even for me! I tend to miss something or forget stuff in the rush and that makes me late. Luckily, only slightly late. I am like 5 or 10 mins late for work only. That's better than some others in my office! But still I dislike being late. Next week my mum will be here so I can breathe easier and get things done quickly with her help.

I bought the iBaby IP cam online through Superbuy, it was delivered a few days ago. It was a breeze setting it up for LAN and wifi. Nothing to it. And it worked automatically on my iPhone and iPad using the app. But getting it to work on my browser in the office proves to be much harder. Could be the firewall or network restrictions there but I will get it sorted soon. Using the browser at home through the external IP/DDNS only needed a port routing set on my router. Next week, will try fixing it from my office pc.The price is a bit high and the manuals/FAQ sare not so satisfactory but the night vision is great and you can easily rotate the cam with a swipe of your finger. The ability to hear and talk through it (require external speakers) is a great bonus. I could talk to people at home using the cam. Overall, it is a good product.

Hubby and I are off on Monday to bring baby for checkup. Also, we have many things planned for the weekend, cleaning the store, repairing the baby cot, clearing up the clothes in the spare room. I also plan to make rice wine and make some Bak Chang! Too ambitious maybe. We'll see what we can achieve. Besides, I am getting a bit of a flu too. I am not made of steel after all :P.

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