It's funny how I used to read a lot of books, mostly romantic novels but still, I read. I could finish a novel in 2 days! Over the recent 10 years, I have not really read a book, any book, except for books/training manuals for those dreaded tests after some external professional training courses. Recently I started on a book and I haven't finished it, yet. It's been siting idle for a few weeks now in the book rack. I have to finish it quickly since I borrowed it from someone. Plus, it's a very very good book that increases my religious knowledge. I have this guilty feeling inside of me for holding on to the book that doesn't belong to me. I think I need to set a target and finish it up, it's only about a quarter of the pages left.
This is what happens when you have a working life and 4 kids to top it. The precious time you have left at home is spent entertaining the kids' needs and resting. It's not that I totally do not have time to spare for some reading but just my other priorities and preferences comes into the picture. For example, I can still find time to finish up 16 episodes of a Korean drama in 4 days or I can surf online for hours.
Evan spending time in the National Library |
But still reading is a habit that should be maintained and to be instilled in the kids. A few weeks ago, we brought the kids to the National Library's kids' library. I was not so pleased that they got bored after less than a hour. Maybe, there were just too many books and they could not hold on to one to finish it. Instead, they would take many and browse through them rapidly and then go take more! I guess it's not a good idea to have too many choices. Maybe when they are a bit older, we could go there again.
My eldest likes to read the National Geographic magazines that we subscribe to. In addition, I will always buy books as presents for them instead toys. But they do not seem to take good care of the books I bought them, which gets my blood boiling sometimes. However, I won't let that stop me. We, as parents, really need to lead by example and set a side some reading time together. I think I had better get the ball rolling again.Time for trips to the bookstore again! Plus we can claim tax exemption for the money spent.