Saturday, November 12, 2011

11.11.11: Beautiful Date

11.11.11. a beautiful date and many got married! The PM announced the day will go by without the Parliament being dissolved. Well, it was expected. Looking at how things are, BN is not ready to give back the mandate to the people yet. But it won't be that far off after all. In a few more months at most, early next year. With so many things not going well and Bersih & Co demanding electoral reform before the 13th Election, it would be unwise to call for election now. Although I am doubtful real reforms will take place but at least, there will be some cosmetic stuff to make the illusion of some sort of reforms. However, if the will of the people is strong enough, even though there could be some rigging and dirty tricks, I think and hope that it will still lead to change!

This week, a good friend of mine from primary school invited me to her wedding in Singapore. I did not hesitate to accept because it has been so long since I saw her and also all our other friends will be there too. So I am going to Singapore in 2 weeks! Lots of planning to do, buy tickets, book hotels, etc. Sincerely, I am so glad to hear she is getting married and told myself I won't miss her wedding. When I got married years ago, they all came down from Singapore and BP to attend my wedding too (in Kajang).

I am keeping it short for this entry, have many things to do. Have a nice weekend y'all.

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