But in between being occupied with all the usual stuff a working mum would be, I have been researching on Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), one of the many psychological problems defined (Suffice to say, every home has some unspeakable tales, 家家有本难念的经). Anyways, the more I read about it the more I have empathy for the surferers and even more empathy for the people who live with them or being harrassed by them like in the movie Fatal Attraction (staring Glenn Close and Michael Douglas).
Truth is, everyone suffers from some of the symptoms some of the times, but BPD people have most of them, most of the time. Can you recall the last time you were extremely angry or disappointed? Remember how bad you feel? Well, BPD people feel like that most of the time. What a sad way to lead one's life. I found a number of resources, mostly in USA and I have ordered 2 books online on the matter which were not available at retail stores. I hope to get them soon. For those interested to know what BPD is like, see this video.
In Malaysia, Counselling and Psychology is still at its' infancy. I think people are still reluctant to get counselling or psychological help when they have emotional or psychological problems. I think the stigma of being called a 'nut case' is what is holding people in Asian countries from seeking mental health consultation. But I truly believe, sometimes, people do need to talk to people who can help, especially when they do not have anyone else to talk to or who can understand them. Marriages or even lives can be saved.
The important thing is take care of yourselves before you can take care of others! More updates soon, hopefully. Nevertheless, life goes on, happy preparing for Chinese New Year!! Rabbit chase away the Tiger.