Thursday, June 17, 2010

Holiday Upcoming

Finally, the day for me to leave my kids to my hubby and enjoy 3 days 2 nights of girly fun is around the corner. It took the girls many emails and date changes before it was finally set to this weekend. Not to be wet blanket, but I actually do not expect a whole lot from this vacation. A lot of girly chats for sure but I doubt there will be overflowing adventures and excitement. Not young and carefree anymore, girls. But nevertheless, it's been a long while since I have gone on a vacation, so will make the most of it. Who knows, maybe I will be proven wrong. We may actually have loads of crazy fun. Well, will just have to wait and see :).

I still have not packed and do not know what clothes to bring. Looking at my current shape, i doubt it will make any difference :P. But I do have a new hairstyle which I am still not used to. I have to tell myself just relax and have fun, don't think too much!

As prmoised, here are some pictures I took of my girl with the new lens. Will be taking more pictures during my trip.

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