Today at about 5pm, my mother-in-law gave a call on the the phone while I was still at work. It was scary news as I heard that my 2nd son had slammed the room door onto my two and a half years old daughter's fingers. My MIL described my daughter's 2 fingers were almost severed ('tuin' in cantonese to be exact). I was so horrified but I hoped that they weren't as bad as she described. I rushed home and all the way, I was super worried and tears were welling up. While driving, I was praying that her fingers will be able to heal, eventually, and they were not permanently damaged.

Thank Almight God for my prayers answered. Her fingers were a very scary sight, badly hurting but they looked to me to be no broken bones. She was sobbing a little but she was crying badly before I reached home. Her middle finger's nail was almost coming out and her ring finger was badly skinned. Her pinky had some minor bruises. I brought her to the clinic and she was treated immediately. As I expected, the finger were not broken, the kind Dr Chan dressed the wounds lightly and asked me to bring her back in 2 days to change the dressing. Some antibiotic and pain killer were prescribed to her. Her had stopped crying and seems to be taking it very well, I guess the most painful time had past. Her nail will eventually fall off and new nail will grow. I had a similar accident when I was very young and lost my fingernail but it regrew back normally. So I am quite sure there isn't any permanent damage. Thank God.
I tried to speak some senses to my 2 sons who were quarelling before one of them slammed the door that my daughter's finger were incidentally at the right place at the wrong time. They were no doubt being naughty but it was an accident. I tried to not make it a big deal, I didn't want to make them feel too guilty about it. I want to make an impression on them that they had caused much pain to their little sister and they have to be extremely careful not to slam doors in the future.
Sometimes, I am really at a lost. It seems like not too long ago I was a kid myself but now I am parent to 3 growing children. Adults don't always know what to do, but as parents, we all try our best. I appreciate that my parents also went through the same things bringing us up. They just did the best they could, that's all anyone can do really.
To all my friends who are parents, don't worry, nothing is perfect. You won't be the perfect parent and don't kill yourself trying to be one cause you will never be. Just do the best that you can, your kids will know and appreciate it when they are bringing up their own little ones. Happy parenting and I pray that God will bless all parents with the wisdom and strength to do their very best at all times bringing up their kids. Amen.
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