Sunday, January 23, 2011

Unspeakable Tales

Oops, meant to be back but took a longer break then anticipated. But I am back! Well, I have been well and about just after one good day of rest, the flu seemed to be suppressed for now. Busy with cleaning, cooking for the family and even stole some time to sew a little last weekend. But this weekend I am going to be going full gear, have to start and finish all my cookie baking! BZ BZ BZ...

But in between being occupied with all the usual stuff a working mum would be, I have been researching on Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), one of the many psychological problems defined (Suffice to say, every home has some unspeakable tales, 家家有本难念的经). Anyways, the more I read about it the more I have empathy for the surferers and even more empathy for the people who live with them or being harrassed by them like in the movie Fatal Attraction (staring Glenn Close and Michael Douglas).

Truth is, everyone suffers from some of the symptoms some of the times, but BPD people have most of them, most of the time. Can you recall the last time you were extremely angry or disappointed? Remember how bad you feel? Well, BPD people feel like that most of the time. What a sad way to lead one's life. I found a number of resources, mostly in USA and I have ordered 2 books online on the matter which were not available at retail stores. I hope to get them soon. For those interested to know what BPD is like, see this video.

In Malaysia, Counselling and Psychology is still at its' infancy. I think people are still reluctant to get counselling or psychological help when they have emotional or psychological problems. I think the stigma of being called a 'nut case' is what is holding people in Asian countries from seeking mental health consultation. But I truly believe, sometimes, people do need to talk to people who can help, especially when they do not have anyone else to talk to or who can understand them. Marriages or even lives can be saved.

The important thing is take care of yourselves before you can take care of others! More updates soon, hopefully. Nevertheless, life goes on, happy preparing for Chinese New Year!! Rabbit chase away the Tiger.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Supermom is taking a break!

A good friend of mine just commented that I am 'supermom'. I guess I am trying to do too many things at one time. Mayday! Mayday! Supermom is coming down with a flu, :(. Heavy and aching head, stuffy nose and painful throat. Guess I am not invincible after all.

Chinese New Year is just 3 weeks away and I haven't bake any cookies, yet! I am getting worried. But I think I will just bake 2 or 3 types at most this year. The rest of it I have ordered from others. I usually will give my mum and mother-in-law many types of cookies, so I baked a few batches for each type for the last two years but this year, things seems to be happening too fast.

I am also planning to make some dresses for my little princess on my new Singer and also trying to make something for myself for the new year but I really am pressed for time. Maybe I should be less ambitous. Trying to concentrate at the sewing machine is hard to do today, I feel so tired but I still have so many things I need to do. My body is protesting, I guess it is really time to take a good rest and leave everything to another day or week!
Supermom is taking a break!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ted Williams Blew Me Away

Happy new year and wishing all a great 2011. At the start of the new year, we are greeted with the 'open verdict' outcome of the lenghty Inquest on TBH's death. I was not even particularly interested to read up what was written about it on the papers and online portals. I didn't know why until I read this article on Malaysian Insider which depicts the feeling of hopelessness that I have about our country. I feel exactly like what is said by the author in this article, "I felt nothing because I have come to expect little of the country’s institutions. " It is a bad and dangerous feeling to have.

Even when I am busy with the start of the kids' new schooling, I am still affected by the fundamental problems that our country has. Even when I am worrying about my crying princess in her new kindy and my red-eyed son in his new school, I am still affected by the predictament of my country. But I am saddened that not everybody sees the problem or is concerned.

At a time like this, by chance (or by design of the Almighty), my eye caught an article that changed my mood entirely. It is not often that we hear about inspiring stories that gives us a positive feeling and hope. Remember the Susan Boyle story, now we have a male Susan Boyle by the name of Ted Williams from Ohio, USA. See the video below and get blown over, like me, with his God given voice!

I sincerely hope he gets the chance he is desperately needing and change his life around. If you listen to other interviews with him on youtube, you will find him such a pleasant and God-loving man. A far cry from his down period, I woud think. God works in mysterious ways.

Glory to God in the highest. Amen