Sunday, March 28, 2010
Palm Sunday and Cheng Beng

Saturday, March 20, 2010
About balloons and bread
There was also like a carnival like atmosphere around the area with many stalls and people selling kiddy balloons. But one thing that really caught my attention was a huge pair of balloony pants! Levis Jeans to be exact. Reminded me of "World Wide Pants" and of course my favourite talk show host, David Letterman. My kids also enjoyed themselves. But when we had to go back to where the car was park (a long way away), they started complaining about being hot, tired and hungry. Tomorrow is going to the last day, anyone wanting to go catch all the action got to go pretty earlier, maybe before 7am.
That was how we spent the morning before rushing through breakfast, sending my sons to piano lessons and running other errands. I was back home at 2pm and I already had something in mind to do, to bake a loaf of bread using the Noxxa breadmaker my sister gave me. I am happy to say that after about 3 hours of waiting, the bread was ready. It is a little hard on the outside compared to the gardenia ones but still it was good. I will post a picture of it later, cannot get the card reader to work on my PC at home today.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
It's a Fly Day

Today, we went to the club house and this is also one place that serves great food. I had prawn fried rice since it's Friday (no meat day).
But they serve many other delicous food like this great chicken sandwich on homemade bread. Already I am feeling the kilos adding on as I speak about food, I better drop that and talk about something else...
Now on a whole different topic, I was reading this article about Malaysian Schools on the Nut Graph and it made me doubtful again about our choice for school for our sons. Gosh, will they blame us, in 20 years time? You see we (or largely me) decided to place our sons in national schools instead the increasingly popular chinese vernacular schools. I had many reasons, all valid, which I shall not elaborate here. But articles like these are making me real scared.
Why should we have so many types of schools anyway? And the Education systems and the constant policy changes sucks big time. Can they do anything right? Education is so essential in bringing up the next generation to become even more successful then the current one but are we moving in reverse gear or something? My kids are not some lab mice for you to test your policies on! Racial polarsations is so obvoius that they have create NS to try to make amends? But what can a lone parent do? We could home school them but that's like way drastic. Private school, you say? I have 3 kids, not one, cannot afford la...
Meanwhile, I am sorry la son, you have to go through all these but I know you are enjoying the very little homework life you are having as a Year 1 national school kid, compared to the other friends in the Chinese schools. I can only pray that whatever decisions we made for you will not deprive you of a bright future. Mummy loves you...
Friday, March 5, 2010
I will... I will...
Woah, 6 months have passed without an entry, talk about sustainability and will power. I really have none in those departments. Ok, some catching up.
My newest sis-in-law is pregnant and will deliver in May, another addition to our growing extended family. Was on the phone with my mum and heard the scan showed that it will be a boy. Wonderful, but who will ‘take over’ the bags of baby girl stuff I have in my closet? Never mind, I will keep them for the next addition...
Time flies, especially when you are busy. My baby girl just turned 2 last week. Had a busy day cooking and baking for her but all worth the effort to see our guests enjoyed themselves. The very next day was her cousin Ian’s birthday and we had party at Pizza Hut. Lots of eating again and this is Lent. Gosh, I need to tone down but I got another family plan this weekend.
Now for some resolutions, I will read the Bible. I will start exercising. I will clean the house and do the chores on schedule. I will update my blog weekly. I will… I will start soon…